
State or storage variables (variables that persist over individual transactions) are placed into slots sequentially as they are introduced in the contract. See Solidity docs for more details. Solidity stores variables to storage or memory, depending on the type. Uninitialized storage pointers will, by default, point to the initial storage position (0) and can be used to alter the stored value. delegatecall preserves contract context. This means that code that is executed via delegatecall will act on the state (i.e., storage) of the calling contract.

Delegatecall is a special variant of a message call. It is almost identical to a regular message call except the target address is executed in the context of the calling contract and msg.sender and msg.value remain the same. Essentially, delegatecall delegates other contracts to modify the calling contract's storage.

Since delegatecall gives so much control over a contract, it's very important to only use this with trusted contracts such as your own. If the target address comes from user input, be sure to verify that it is a trusted contract.

Consider the library in FibonacciLib.sol, which can generate the Fibonacci sequence and sequences of similar form. ( Note: this code was modified from )

// library contract - calculates Fibonacci-like numbers
contract FibonacciLib {
    // initializing the standard Fibonacci sequence
    uint public start;
    uint public calculatedFibNumber;
    // modify the zeroth number in the sequence
    function setStart(uint _start) public {
        start = _start;
    function setFibonacci(uint n) public {
        calculatedFibNumber = fibonacci(n);
    function fibonacci(uint n) internal returns (uint) {
        if (n == 0) return start;
        else if (n == 1) return start + 1;
        else return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

Let us now consider a contract that utilizes this library, shown in FibonacciBalance.sol.

contract FibonacciBalance {
    address public fibonacciLibrary;
    // the current Fibonacci number to withdraw
    uint public calculatedFibNumber;
    // the starting Fibonacci sequence number
    uint public start = 3;
    uint public withdrawalCounter;
    // the Fibonancci function selector
    bytes4 constant fibSig = bytes4(sha3("setFibonacci(uint256)"));
    // constructor - loads the contract with ether
    constructor(address _fibonacciLibrary) public payable {
        fibonacciLibrary = _fibonacciLibrary;
    function withdraw() {
        withdrawalCounter += 1;
        // calculate the Fibonacci number for the current withdrawal user-
        // this sets calculatedFibNumber
        require(fibonacciLibrary.delegatecall(fibSig, withdrawalCounter));
        msg.sender.transfer(calculatedFibNumber * 1 ether);
    // allow users to call Fibonacci library functions
    function() public {

This contract allows a participant to withdraw ether from the contract, with the amount of ether being equal to the Fibonacci number corresponding to the participant's withdrawal order; i.e., the first participant gets 1 ether, the second also gets 1, the third gets 2, the fourth gets 3, the fifth 5, and so on (until the balance of the contract is less than the Fibonacci number being withdrawn).

There are a number of elements in this contract that may require some explanation. Firstly, there is an interesting-looking variable, fibSig. This holds the first 4 bytes of the Keccak-256 (SHA-3) hash of the string 'setFibonacci(uint256)'. This is known as the[function selector] and is put into calldata to specify which function of a smart contract will be called. It is used in the delegatecall function on line 21 to specify that we wish to run the fibonacci(uint256) function. The second argument in delegatecall is the parameter we are passing to the function. Secondly, we assume that the address for the FibonacciLib library is correctly referenced in the constructor (<<external_contract_referencing>> discusses some potential vulnerabilities relating to this kind of contract reference initialization).

Can you spot any errors in this contract? If one were to deploy this contract, fill it with ether, and call withdraw, it would likely revert.

You may have noticed that the state variable start is used in both the library and the main calling contract. In the library contract, start is used to specify the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence and is set to 0, whereas it is set to 3 in the calling contract. You may also have noticed that the fallback function in the FibonacciBalance contract allows all calls to be passed to the library contract, which allows for the setStart function of the library contract to be called. Recalling that we preserve the state of the contract, it may seem that this function would allow you to change the state of the start variable in the local FibonnacciBalance contract. If so, this would allow one to withdraw more ether, as the resulting calculatedFibNumber is dependent on the start variable (as seen in the library contract). In actual fact, the setStart function does not (and cannot) modify the start variable in the FibonacciBalance contract. The underlying vulnerability in this contract is significantly worse than just modifying the start variable.

Before discussing the actual issue, let's take a quick detour to understand how state variables actually get stored in contracts. State or storage variables (variables that persist over individual transactions) are placed into slots sequentially as they are introduced in the contract. (There are some complexities here; consult the Solidity docs for a more thorough understanding.)

As an example, let’s look at the library contract. It has two state variables, start and calculatedFibNumber. The first variable, start, is stored in the contract’s storage at slot[0] (i.e., the first slot). The second variable, calculatedFibNumber, is placed in the next available storage slot, slot[1]. The function setStart takes an input and sets start to whatever the input was. This function therefore sets slot[0] to whatever input we provide in the setStart function. Similarly, the setFibonacci function

calculatedFibNumber to the result of fibonacci(n). Again, this is simply setting storage slot[1] to the value of fibonacci(n).

Now let's look at the FibonacciBalance contract. Storage slot[0] now corresponds to the fibonacciLibrary address, and slot[1] corresponds to calculatedFibNumber. It is in this incorrect mapping that the vulnerability occurs. delegatecall preserves contract context. This means that code that is executed via delegatecall will act on the state (i.e., storage) of the calling contract.

Now notice that in withdraw on line 21 we execute fibonacciLibrary.delegatecall(fibSig,withdrawalCounter). This calls the setFibonacci function, which, as we discussed, modifies storage slot[1], which in our current context is calculatedFibNumber. This is as expected (i.e., after execution, calculatedFibNumber is modified). However, recall that the start variable in the FibonacciLib contract is located in storage slot[0], which is the fibonacciLibrary address in the current contract. This means that the function fibonacci will give an unexpected result. This is because it references start (slot[0]), which in the current calling context is the fibonacciLibrary address (which will often be quite large, when interpreted as a uint). Thus it is likely that the withdraw function will revert, as it will not contain uint(fibonacciLibrary) amount of ether, which is what calculatedFibNumber will return.

Even worse, the FibonacciBalance contract allows users to call all of the fibonacciLibrary functions via the fallback function at line 26. As we discussed earlier, this includes the setStart function. We discussed that this function allows anyone to modify or set storage slot[0]. In this case, storage slot[0] is the fibonacciLibrary address. Therefore, an attacker could create a malicious contract, convert the address to a uint (this can be done in Python easily using int('<address>',16)), and then call setStart(<attack_contract_address_as_uint>). This will change fibonacciLibrary to the address of the attack contract. Then, whenever a user calls withdraw or the fallback function, the malicious contract will run (which can steal the entire balance of the contract) because we’ve modified the actual address for fibonacciLibrary. An example of such an attack contract would be:

contract Attack {
    uint storageSlot0; // corresponds to fibonacciLibrary
    uint storageSlot1; // corresponds to calculatedFibNumber
    // fallback - this will run if a specified function is not found
    function() public {
        storageSlot1 = 0; // we set calculatedFibNumber to 0, so if withdraw
        // is called we don't send out any ether
        <attacker_address>.transfer(this.balance); // we take all the ether

Preventative Techniques

Solidity provides the library keyword for implementing library contracts (see the docs for further details). This ensures the library contract is stateless and non-self-destructable. Forcing libraries to be stateless mitigates the complexities of storage context demonstrated in this section. Stateless libraries also prevent attacks wherein attackers modify the state of the library directly in order to affect the contracts that depend on the library’s code. As a general rule of thumb, when using DELEGATECALL pay careful attention to the possible calling context of both the library contract and the calling contract, and whenever possible build stateless libraries.

Parity second hack

Real-World Example: Parity Multisig Wallet (SecondHack)

The Second Parity Multisig Wallet hack is an example of how well-written library code can be exploited if run outside its intended context. There are a number of good explanations of this hack, such as “Parity Multisig Hacked. Again” and “An In-Depth Look at the Parity Multisig Bug”.

To add to these references, let’s explore the contracts that were exploited. The library and wallet contracts can be found on GitHub.

The library contract is as follows:

contract WalletLibrary is WalletEvents {
  // throw unless the contract is not yet initialized.
  modifier only_uninitialized { if (m_numOwners > 0) throw; _; }
  // constructor - just pass on the owner array to multiowned and
  // the limit to daylimit
  function initWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit)
      only_uninitialized {
    initMultiowned(_owners, _required);
  // kills the contract sending everything to `_to`.
  function kill(address _to) onlymanyowners(sha3( external {

And here’s the wallet contract:

contract Wallet is WalletEvents {
  // gets called when no other function matches
  function() payable {
    // just being sent some cash?
    if (msg.value > 0)
      Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
    else if ( > 0)
  address constant _walletLibrary =

Notice that the Wallet contract essentially passes all calls to the WalletLibrary contract via a delegate call. The constant _walletLibrary address in this code snippet acts as a placeholder for the actually deployed WalletLibrary contract (which was at 0x863DF6BFa4469f3ead0bE8f9F2AAE51c91A907b4).

The intended operation of these contracts was to have a simple low-cost deployable Wallet contract whose codebase and main functionality were in the WalletLibrary contract. Unfortunately, the WalletLibrary contract is itself a contract and maintains its own state. Can you see why this might be an issue?

It is possible to send calls to the WalletLibrary contract itself. Specifically, the WalletLibrary contract could be initialized and become owned. In fact, a user did this, calling the initWallet function on the WalletLibrary contract and becoming an owner of the library contract. The same user subsequently called the kill function. Because the user was an owner of the library contract, the modifier passed and the library contract self-destructed. As all Wallet contracts in existence refer to this library contract and contain no method to change this reference, all of their functionality, including the ability to withdraw ether, was lost along with the WalletLibrary contract. As a result, all ether in all Parity multisig wallets of this type instantly became lost or permanently unrecoverable.

Prevent contracts from executing

Prevent contracts from executing

In some applications, there's a business requirement that other contracts aren't allowed to interact with your own contract and calls should be limited to externally owned accounts (EOA). When that happens there's a widely used function to check whether or not the msg.sender is an address:

function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != 0x0 && codehash != accountHash); }

It's a mistake to rely on these kinds of checks, because the caller might be a constructor, in which case the function will return false, since code is stored on chain only at the end of the execution. Another aspect is that there's no guarantee that the passed address won't become a contract in the future.


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