Avoid Packed Encoding When Hashing

When hashing data of dynamic type, the use of keccak256(abi.encodePacked(...)) can lead to hash collisions. Thus using abi.encode is usually preferred over abi.encodePacked. If compelled to use abi.encodePacked for operations related to signatures, authentication or data integrity, ensure that at most one of the data types being encoded is dynamic.


Numerous systems use some form of hashed data for signatures, authentication and data integrity. In Solidity, generating the hash of a piece of data is as simple as using the keccak256(bytes) function, which computes the Keccak-256 hash of the bytes passed as input.

When structured data is to be hashed, keccak256 is used together with abi.encode or abi.encodePacked. The latter is known as the non-standard packed mode, which encodes dynamic types in-place and without their length. When two dynamically-sized elements, such as strings, are packed using abi.encodePacked, the encoding becomes ambiguous because of the missing length field. As an example, abi.encodePacked("a","bc") will return the same bytes as abi.encodePacked("ab","c").

The ambiguity of abi.encodePacked can become problematic when it is used with keccak256 to produce a hash that is expected to be unique. Dangerous hash collisions can silently occur which may render data structures inconsistent or corrupt.

When hashing data, abi.encode should be preferred over abi.encodePacked. Yet, abi.encodePacked can be simpler to reproduce in off-chain scripts than abi.encode. Therefore, should abi.encodePacked be used, the system must ensure that at most one of the data types passed to the function is dynamic to avoid potential hash collisions.

Further reference:


The following contract implements a function to post asset prices on chain. However, as the final price identifier is built hashing two strings, there might be clashes in the identifier of different assets. For example, the pair "USD"-"TUSD" will have the same identifier as "USDT"-"USD", even though in reality they represent prices of different assets.

// Vulnerable code - Do not use

contract SomeContract {

    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public prices;

    function postPrice(string memory symbol1, string memory symbol2, uint256 price) external {
        bytes32 priceIdentifier = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(symbol1, symbol2));
        prices[priceIdentifier] = price;


To fix this, one can replace abi.encodePacked with abi.encode.

contract SomeContract {

    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public prices;

    function postPrice(string memory symbol1, string memory symbol2, uint256 price) external {
        bytes32 priceIdentifier = keccak256(abi.encode(symbol1, symbol2));
        prices[priceIdentifier] = price;



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